Wednesday, May 27, 2009

feeding the goats

yesterday madelyn and i went to the zoo in the morning. the weather wasn't great at all (cold, windy, and rainy) and i was blown away by how many people were there! it was one of the most crowded days we have ever seen there.

as one last treat, i decided to let madelyn try feeding the goats again (it didn't go so great last year). she loved it! i think it has to do with all the time she has been spending with our dogs because she treated the goats the same way. she even hugged a few - at the end of the video you can see her tilt her head as she is going in for a hug but changes her mind for some reason.

i didn't get to post yesterday because i got in bed at 6:30 as soon as daddy got home from work. i have been waking up at night with acid reflux in addition to my bathroom and water breaks. not to mention madelyn threw in three wake-ups of her own just for fun. she came in our room at 3:15am to announce that she was ready to "watch george" after wishing me a "good morning, mommy". i was able to talk her in to going back to bed but she only stayed there for about an hour before repeating her morning greeting at 4:30am. again we went back to her room talking about the fact that the sun was not up yet. she did wake up one more time a little after 5, crying, but it was short lived and then she slept until 7:30. i, however, was more than exhausted.

i am going to take some mylanta tonight (for the first time in my life) in the hope of eliminating one of the many things robbing me of my sleep.

i did want to note one more nickname that i have given madelyn that makes us all laugh - "thumbelina poopiepants". i call her "thumbelina" when she is sucking her thumb with friend and the "poopiepants" when she won't let us change her poopie diapers. they have become a combo over the past two days because she will go to her room for the diaper change but then hide under the covers with friend sucking her thumb and laughing. love.


Our family said...

I feel your pain Michelle!! I am counting down the moment until I can go to bed tonight. At least when the baby is here we will be tired for a slightly better reason. I am 1 cm, 50% effaced, head low and praying baby makes her debut in 2-3 weeks. We will see! I hope your last few weeks go quickly.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Very cute video. How dare Kayla's mom walk in front of a maddie video in progress :) Madelyn is a frugal one- picking up pieces other kids dropped and making a pile for the goats to eat. I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but I found Madelyn's wake up announcements quite humorous. funny she wanted to watch George. Lorelai had some sleep issues as Kinley's birth got closer - nervous energy. It went away when she came home.