Friday, June 5, 2009


matt went to chicago this week for work and i have just been spent by the time madelyn goes to bed at night. that is why there haven't been any posts. here are updates and notes from the week to catch up on what you have been missing:

- we had madelyn's friends "michael-dylan" over for a little while one afternoon. madelyn loves michael and dylan. she will stand out on the deck and yell "michael-dylan" towards their house in the hope that they will come outside. she and dylan were so cute feeding the babies together that i had to get a picture.

- last weekend madelyn was in a "sure" phase. every affirmative reply was "yes/yeah...sure". it was pretty funny.

- when we were driving to indiana last weekend madelyn kept asking for the "airport". after a few times it occurred to me that she thought we were going to the airport to see papa and nana. because when we see them there has always been an airport - either us leaving or them arriving. the associations she makes between things always amaze me and keep me guessing - literally.

- okay. i have to mention the "brown shoes". we have been battling the "brown shoes" for a while in that they are the only shoes madelyn will wear. we can usually talk her into the purple canvas shoes, but the brown shoes are always her first choice. she even picked out her summer shoes at the store, but will not wear them. the problem with the brown shoes is that they do not fit (the purple shoes do). we are trying to have the "shoe fairy" take them tonight and leave a present for the morning, but we will see how that goes. she cried when we first started talking about them going away.

- madelyn jumped on her first trampoline at a party over memorial day weekend and got to try another one at a birthday party this week. she just loves it because its new and she is really into jumping, bouncing, and hopping these days. she often incorporates these into her 'walking' and tells us which one she is doing.

- she has not been very excited about having her hair or teeth brushed lately. in addition to not wanting her hair brushed she has been requesting not to wear anything in her hair either. she doesn't fight having it put in (most of the time), but after a while she wants it "off" or "out". i guess it just doesn't bother her to have her hair in her face all the time and it is not worth the fight. she willingly goes along with a clip or ponytail when it is meal time because i explain that we need her hair out of the way so that she can eat. she is fine with a logical/practical reason for a hair clip but just isn't that concerned with mere adornment.

- she has been really possessive about her body too. when i hold her legs to change her diaper she screams, "my legs! stop it, mommy." or when i brush her hair, "my hair!" it would be funny if it didn't come with such attitude. the exception is her "boogies". she will tell me that she has a "boogie", show me which nostril, and then say "mommy get it." gross - i know, but it is better than her picking her nose all the time.

- matt and i were being silly about a bad driver in the parking lot and both said, "indeed". i don't know if it was just because it was a new word to her or that mommy and daddy were obviously joking with each other, but madelyn really liked it. she kept saying "indeed" and it quickly became "deed". but she didn't quite catch the meaning and was telling us that "deed over there. i see it."

- the other night at dinner madelyn burped and then told me that she was "burping" which became very funny to her. i love that she already gets body function humor! at least at the moment.

- she has been doing a silly fake laugh and then saying "i'm funny." she and daddy really got on a roll fake laughing at each other tonight in the car on the ride home from chicago (see a future post for more on the trip).

- madelyn enjoys riding with her window down and often requests this.

- i have been going to the drive through more often than i should due to my junk food cravings and madelyn has started talking to the worker from her seat. i think it started after one guy was very nice about saying "hi" to her after she asked to have her window down too. now she tells them that she needs her apple juice and chicken nuggets. she also tells them "thank you" and "bye". we just don't know where she gets these super social tendencies... love.


Grandma Z. said...

The picture of maddie with Dylan is so sweet! I think she is going to be quite athletic too.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Talking to the people in the drive thru- that's hilarious! Lots of good tidbits for updates. The 'deed' story was pretty good, too. :) Man, i hope Lorelai never goes through an anti-hairclip phase, we will have major problems. I think at 2, they just like to whine and complain about silly things to see where it gets them. Like they figured out they can and don't have to always agree with us, I liked it the old way much better:)