Wednesday, June 10, 2009

where there's dirt, there's madelyn

tonight madelyn got to go to her first softball game because daddy had his first early one of the season (aka before bedtime). she had so much fun cheering and looking for daddy. by the 6th inning she found some dirt to play in on the ground and all but forgot about the game.

i was impressed by how well she knew when to clap - often before i had started cheering. she even got that daddy was playing "first base".

madelyn ran up to matt after the game and said, "good job, daddy," while giving him a big hug and then a kiss. she must have heard the other 'fans' saying "good job" after the game and wanted to tell her daddy the same thing. in fact, she kept telling him "good job" quite happily all the way out.

after the game she was excited to try out the playground at the ball park. daddy was impressed by how strong her climbing has gotten. i mean madelyn was always a good climber, but now she actually thinks about which foot or hand to use. if she can't find a foothold with her right foot, she will put it back and try with her left foot. it makes me nervous when she is climbing up so high wearing flip-flops, but she never slips. she definitely uses her height to her advantage. love.


Grandma Z. said...

Sounds like Matt is having a great time. Kids seem to always find something to entertain themselves.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Dirt can be so much fun and seems to lure the little ones. :)