Sunday, March 16, 2008

doggie(s) in the window

madelyn loves her dogs! she spends a good part of her time at the glass sliding doors 'talking' to them. and if she is eating in her high chair - the meal is over when she can see the dogs (or at least there is an intermission in the meal). she races over to the door and bangs on them and 'calls' the dogs until they come up on the deck where she can see them.

she was doing this really high-pitched, squealing laugh at them today, but i missed it every time. so here is a video of her laughing at them in between sliding the door stop back and forth on the track (another favorite pastime).

she has also learned how to get her toys out for playing (see video). although she is more interested in the container's lid than the toys. she can also open the kitchen cabinets to get whatever might be inside them. fortunately she understands the word "no" and will stop in her tracks when i say it.

and here she is dressed for church this morning. nothing says spring in wisconsin like a bright colored dress over a long sleeve t-shirt and snow boots! what can i say? it's a look. what you can't tell from the picture is that she was waving her arm around wildly and loudly talking to her daddy.

we are getting ready to go out to the airport and pick up nana. we are meeting up with papa and some extended family in indiana on friday for easter weekend. it will be the first time that the indiana crew is meeting maddie, so we are really looking forward to the visit. ta-ta for now. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I love her inquisitiveness :) I have to ask, where did you get that blue outfit... I LOVE it! Way to be innovative with the church outfit, which is very cute, too. Impressive :)

Zachritz Family said...

She is so cute, i love how her hair falls past her eyes! It's so long! Annabell's hair seems to thin out more and more every day! ha. Miss ya'll!