Wednesday, March 26, 2008

leaps and bounds

madelyn has learned several new skills over the past two days - not all of them are 'cute' either...

she has started to intentionally take steps from item to item. it is fun to watch the excitement in her face as she takes her wobbly steps from the couch, to the coffee table, to mommy - you get the idea. she also started to do something else intentionally today - drop her food on the floor!

besides breakfast she refused to eat anything on a spoon today. so i pulled out a variety of finger foods instead. she had deli chicken, beans, cheerios, cubed mozzarella, mandarin oranges, mango, and veggie/rice noodles. she would eat what she wanted and then drop the rest on the floor. then she would sign for "more". as long as it was chicken or cheerios. those are the only foods that didn't end up on the floor. she would eat everything else, it was just when she was getting full that she would start dropping it on the floor. (daddy was having a hard time not laughing at her - oops.)

she can now open all of the cabinets and drawers in the house. she will just take off for the kitchen and open the first cabinet she comes to and starts pulling things out. it's amazing how quickly she can get into the cabinets! we are hoping that we can teach her not to open them like we were able to do with the fireplace doors.

after coming up from playing with the dogs i decided to let maddie try the stairs. she crawled up the entire flight of stairs all by herself. when she got high enough to see the baby gate at the top she stopped and sat on the stair she was on. it was if she needed to take another look at where she was because she wasn't used to being on that side of the gate. she has climbed stairs before but never this many.

i can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

That food dropping thing is an annoying little habit Lorelai has been doing for a while. Like you said, its mostly when she's full, but I guarantee, if the right food were placed in front of her, she'd eat it, regardless of fullness. And, it never ceases to amaze me how fast little ones can move and get into things, either.