Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Go! Go! Go!"

we enjoyed a beautiful day here in wisconsin today! and since i had the morning off we spent some time at the park. madelyn's word today was "go". she started saying it yesterday, but today it was said more often than "da-da". and it was appropriate! she climbed up the floating stairs at the park (see the picture). she has been eyeing them for a while now but today she made her move. she climbed up them a few times today and without much trouble either.

the other attempt at 'go'ing was walking in the grassy area next to the playground. i don't know if you can tell from the picture or not, but there is a slight incline and maddie kept falling backwards because of the uneven grass. (this picture was just seconds before she landed on her bottom again.)

her climbing is getting crazy, so we are trying to teach her that some things are not for climbing on - like the oven. yesterday she got a foothold on the storage drawer and was most of the way up the front of the oven before we knew it. luckily, the stove top burners were already cool from dinner preparation, but it was still a little scary. (daddy was on supervision duty and underestimated her climbing speed when following her into the kitchen from the dining room.)

in addition to climbing up the oven, she can also get on top of the kitchen chairs now. its only a matter of time before she learns that she can push them over to the counters and use them as a ladder. she already pushes around the bar stools and another little step stool we have. she has been pushing the step stool around and climbing up on top of it, but hasn't figured out the power of this skill - yet.

we love our little monkey! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

What an appropriate word! She is certainly on the go!