Monday, July 7, 2008

the joys of travel

on our last day in florida we headed back to orlando for our flight. since our flight wasn't until the evening we were able to meet our friend jenny for lunch. jenny was the first of our out-of-state friends to meet madelyn when she was just a few weeks old last summer.

after lunch with jenny we went back to the park that we had gone to earlier in the week to let maddie stretch her legs after the long ride and high chair contained lunch. then back in the car as we headed to the airport.

finally, we were headed home! it was a wonderful trip, but we were all tired and ready for the routine that comes from going back to your own home. our flight was at 7 so we knew that we needed "bear" if we had any chance of maddie falling asleep on the plane.

the flight was 2-1/2 hours and maddie squirmed and screamed the first hour and a half. its not that she was bad. she just didn't want to sit still and was really tired. it didn't help that it was really warm on the plane - her whole head was really sweaty - and that it was packed. luckily the guy next to us was pretty nice and across the aisle was a teenage boy traveling with his four younger siblings. he spent a lot of time saying "hi" back to maddie when she waved. we finally got her to sleep by showing her pictures on our phone while she held "bear" and sucked her thumb. keeping her asleep was the real trick. like i said, she was pretty sweaty and hot which only made me hotter and more uncomfortable. plus she is really tall which meant that her head was in the aisle, her legs were on matt's lap, and i couldn't move at all. i did finally find a way to rest my arm under her head on the armrest, but it wasn't comfortable. and every time someone came down the asile i had to lift her head out of the way and she would startle awake and cry but then drift back to sleep.

all and all, it could have been much worse, but it definitely was not an easy flight for us. we are not looking forward to our 6 hour flight to california in a few weeks. we are excited for the destination - its the getting there that is going to be the trick...



Becky said...

Toddlers on planes isn't fun, is it? But I think its still better than toddlers in cars ... I don't know. Toss-up, I guess.

The flight from Korea to bring Trae home was 14 hours - total travel time was 22 hours. He screamed bloody murder the whole time, except three 20-minutes naps, as I walked up and down and up and down the aisles of the plane, staring at me the whole time like, "Who are you lady and where are you taking me!" Meanwhile, Scott was doped up on muscle relaxers and pain meds due to a herniatd and ruptured disc in his back. So, yes, it could be worse :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ewe. Not fun. Nothing worse than a tired and hot baby on a plane. I'm nervous about the 5 hours we'll be in flight to CO in a month and a half...