Thursday, July 24, 2008

look who's talking!

(i know - lame title, but that's what it feels like.) over the past three days madelyn's vocabulary has more than doubled! and not just words, but she is using them in the correct context. here is a list of her latest words:

"ouch"/"ow" - says it when she falls down or bumps into something


"truck" - it is more like "tuck", but she says it when she sees a truck in a book or in real life


"peacock" - actually she only says "cock", but she says it when looking at her zoo book (in the picture) and lifting the peacock flap

"cracker" - more like "cak -ker"


"gone" - she added this one yesterday afternoon, but i got some video this morning. she says it when she is out of food or something gets taken away from her.

she also makes a few animal noises when looking at the zoo book. she lifts the snake flap and goes "hisssss" and lifts the monkey flap to say "oo-oo-oo". she definitely likes the snake noise best! it is so great because she only makes the noise when the flap is open showing all the snakes (they are 'hiding' under some rocks).

she is also trying really hard to say "milk" but it is more like just a "k" sound. she is also saying "ca-ca" a lot and i think that she is trying to say "monkey" because we are usually pointing at some monkeys when she makes the sound. the other one that is a little bit of a stretch is "zebra" - she is saying it "ba-za".

i am trying to pay close attention when she is "speaking" to me because she is definitely trying to tell me something. she has this non-stop stream of babble all day long (well maybe not all day...). she stops when i get the camera, but i am hoping to capture it because i want to be able to remember it.

she has also added the sign for "diaper" on occasion as she heads off to the changing table when i ask her if she wants to change her diaper.

this is just so much fun! i love that she is talking more everyday! love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I wonder if its a girl thing... babbling away! I love the pig tails- her hair is so long!

Becky said...

Maddie is at a great age --- they say or do something (or several things) everyday!!!