Sunday, December 21, 2008

christmas card pictures

even though it isn't ideal, we waited until the last possible moment to take our christmas card pictures. and as our reward for waiting, madelyn slammed her head into the coffee table the night before we were going to take them so that she would have a nice bruise in the center of her forehead. none-the-less, our plan was to take all the pictures on saturday morning before going to sam's and ordering cards. well, madelyn wasn't feeling it. and after i wrestled her into her shirt, she opened my bathroom drawer right into her mouth filling it with blood. the good news is that she didn't bleed on her white shirt! (oh, and that she was fine.) she opens this drawer almost every day while i get ready and of course she would hurt herself on picture day.

most of her "big sister" pictures were filled with tears and any that were happy were very blurry. as you may have guessed, madelyn does not like to hold still unless she is asleep. here are some of the best of the rejects.

we got some happy pictures while she was eating some banana, but we also got a lot of mouth full of banana pictures.

we got some cute ones while daddy played peek-a-boo with her, but we couldn't read the shirt in those which was key to our christmas card announcement.

trying to get her picture in front of the christmas tree in her fancy dress was really difficult because she just wanted to look at the tree and kept walking around it.

since we didn't have much success saturday morning, we decided to try and rush some family pictures before church on sunday morning. of course we only had enough battery power to get about four shots! so we had to charge the battery while we went to church and then stop back by the house for a few more shots before having to make a decision on which one was the least unflattering for the christmas card. we did have to sacrifice any hope of madelyn smiling in the picture, but she had two other opportunities to look cute on the card so it was a minor price to pay. better luck next year, maddie. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

What a pretty 'fancy dress.' I'm pretty impressed by the shot you got. And Ms. Pregnant, you look great in the family shot- with your hair getting long again- almost the exact same as highschool :) That was supposed to be a compliment, but I'm not sure it came out right. Anyway - did have someone to take the picture? or was it on a timer?