Saturday, March 7, 2009

sometimes you just have to take a picture

madelyn is deep asleep in this picture. i was joking that she was getting out of bed but fell asleep before she could stand up. matt and i were downstairs watching a movie last night and i peeked in on maddie before heading to bed myself once it was over. i ran to get my camera and matt after i looked in her room. i am glad that i got him because all my giggling and camera flashes woke her up a little and i would not have wanted him to miss this. love.
(on a baby boy note, i was resting my hands on my belly while we were watching the movie and he kicked so hard that he actually knocked my hands off my belly! it totally surprised me because he wasn't kicking that much and - bam - my hands went airborne.)


Becky said...

She looks SOOOOOOOOOo big in that picture.

Witenkling Mommy said...

I agree with Becky, she doesn't look her age. Maybe its the big girl bed. Love that you were able to snap a picture - too cute to miss.

Grandma Z. said...

You get the best pictures. She's just like her Mommy! As far as the boy goes, Matt may have to learn more about Football!