Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sticker fun

as most kids her age, madelyn loves stickers. she loves getting them from the doctors' offices, grocery store, etc. and since we have set up the playroom i moved my sticker collection (dating back to at least middle school) in for her to use. she loves sticking them to her clothes and as of yesterday, her nose and checks. now that she has more variety in her sticker choices, she likes to stick them on a sheet of paper to hang on the wall.

(the outfit is a combo of her pj top that she didn't want to take off with her pants for today. and her bow was red and green - christmas style. she was quite a sight. its a good thing that we weren't leaving the house today.)

in the past month or so she has gotten really good (and confident) about removing the stickers off the sheet herself. she can even handle the really small ones. today i got brave and gave her the entire collection of stickers and went about my work while she played quietly by herself. the funny thing is that she was most interested in the labels, name tags, and hole reinforcers.

we spent a lot of crafty time because madelyn was in a horrible screaming mood this morning - like when i was trying to have phone meetings... even though she slept until 7:20 this morning she was tired. she even came to get me and said that it was "nap time" at 11:30 (she normally goes down closer to 1).

we also spent some time playing with play-doh. i added chopsticks to her 'tools' today. i made the mistake of rolling a ball to put on the end of one and said that it was a lollipop. of course that went straight into her mouth! i told her that it was pretend and then made a ball for the other and told her that they were drum mallets since she had used some in music class yesterday. she loved that! she was drumming with her play-doh mallets while i drummed along with my fingers. and she kept telling me that she was drumming like music class and we repeated "hand, hand, fingers, thumb" from dr. seuss. and when i got the camera it took a lot, i mean a lot, of persuasion to get her to do anything but try and watch "maddie" on the camera. it was also the only time she drummed with the stick end and not the play-doh end.

madelyn pulled out our baby viewing mirror for the car today and insisted on listening to and watching it throughout the day. here is just a quick piece of her doing a cute little dance to the music before she went over to get some more play-doh.

this morning matt dropped something out of the refrigerator and madelyn exclaimed, "oh shoot!" although we thought that she had said the four letter version. it was one of those horrifying moments of "please don't ever say that again." needless to say, it got our attention more than the food falling from the refrigerator.

tomorrow we get grandma from the "port" for her visit. madelyn isn't going to know what to do with herself after all this spoiling from the grandmas! love.


Zachritz Family said...

Dude she dances a lot like her uncle! (Her uncle Josh that is) Ha ha

Witenkling Mommy said...

I Love that dance - too cute! Its so funny when your kids start saying what you say and in context. Lorelai is doing it more and more. Her latest addition is 'right now,' which she picked up after I told her in a stern voice (after first asking nicely) to pick something up 'right now!' Now she says things like, 'I want to go outside right now!' Oh boy!