Tuesday, June 2, 2009

36 weeks

today was my 36 weeks check-up. it took the doctor a little while to find the heartbeat and that would have been a little stressful if it wasn't for the fact that he was doing all sorts of dramatic movements less than a minute before i laid back. after a few minutes she found his heartbeat and it was about 130 - good.

my cervix is still so high that she couldn't confirm for sure that his head was down - she said maybe 90% sure that it was down. i am looking at that as a blessing because there are lots of people who worry about making it to full-term and obviously that will not be something that we will have to worry about. i wasn't even half a centimeter dilated when i was 41 weeks, in full, active labor, and already admitted to the hospital with madelyn. but you never know with these things. we will see what she has to say at my appointment next week.

she did comment on how well i am getting around for being so far along. apparently i am just really good at being pregnant. now if we can just shave about 20 hours off my labor this time around...

after the doctor's appointment i took madelyn to the library to return some books and get some new ones. when the lady checking our books out asked madelyn if she was having a sister or a brother madelyn replied "baby brother." i was so proud of her for answering a stranger (she tends to clam up around strange adults). love.


Grandma Z. said...

It won't be long now! We just can't wait to see the little guy!

Zachritz Family said...

Great to hear all is well! Can't wait to meet him!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Oooh, its getting so close! I can't wait for the first blog of little Baby Boy. Yeah for Madelyn answering the question. She must be proud and excited, too!