Sunday, June 21, 2009

happy daddy's day

poor, daddy. today was his day, but he spent it doing physical labor outside. he had to finish putting down mulch on his new landscaping and then had the regular mowing and weeding to do. i still think that he had a nice day.

i had tried to get a picture of madelyn with daddy before and after church but madelyn would have none of it. this was the best picture with attitude i was able to get and couldn't resist sharing. she was lovely and chatty at church this morning though. she was telling everyone about her dress with flowers and a heart necklace of mine that she was wearing. it makes us so happy to see how excited she is to go to church every week.

madelyn didn't really take a nap yesterday and only napped for an hour today leaving us with a crabby girl at times. thankfully, she would get over these moods pretty quickly and had a major second wind this evening after dinner that was fun for all of us.

even though it was "daddy's day" (madelyn didn't really understand "father" so she would say "daddy's day"), madelyn got the biggest present. today we surprised her with a sandbox that papa and nana sent for her birthday. when i told her that there was a birthday present outside for her, she replied, "i am so excited!" and she was, too. madelyn asks to use the neighbor's sandbox at least once a week and she loves to use her shovels (even just to carry them around with her). i think that the sandbox will see a lot of play this summer. and to make it even better it fit perfectly under the stairs of the deck so that she is in the shade and it isn't in the way. matt and i couldn't believe how perfectly it fit! she was already asking to go back and play in it during dinner tonight. between the sandbox and the pool we won't need to leave the house this summer - although i plan to be out and about as much as possible while on leave. love.


Zachritz Family said...

I absolutely LOVE her flip flops!

Witenkling Mommy said...

'Daddy Day' I love it! Much less formal. Ooh, a pool and a sandbox - what a lucky girl! Who needs amusement parks... we can just go to the G-family house :)

Grandma Z. said...

I know that face! I have a similiar picture! She can play in the sandbox and wash off in the pool. Cute pics!!