Tuesday, June 30, 2009

to sleep or not to sleep...

sunday night did not go that great. i think mason woke up every hour or less. i didn't get more than twenty or thirty minutes of sleep until matt got up with mason and maddie at 7am. i was at a total loss. madelyn had never slept that little at night - even when ill. i didn't know what to do with a baby that didn't sleep. not only was he not sleeping, but he wanted to nurse every time. he was eating so much that it was just coming right back up. i think i changed his clothes 4 times, diapers 10 times, and unswaddled and reswaddled 4 times. by the end of the day yesterday i had a bad headache and just wanted to get into bed.

thankfully, last night was totally different! i had remembered to get him to cluster feed from 6-10pm. i put him down at 10 (and got myself to bed by 10:30) and he slept until 1:30am. i got him back down at 2:00am and then madelyn woke up at 2:30am. no reason, just ready to be awake. once she was back down there was sleeping until mason woke up at 5am. madelyn followed at 5:45am.

the 5am wake up call/cry reminded me of how it was with madelyn. i had forgotten how early my days would start. it was actually kind of nice to have both kids up and happy this morning. mason was laying awake in his crib looking around and madelyn was climbing up on the side to tell him, "good morning, mason!" love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Happy to hear night #2 was better. Yes, the mornings start early with the wee ones. Kinley's usually up around 5-something, but I nurse and get her right back down until a 'normal' hour. I don't know what I'd do if Lorelai was up at 5:45. Of course, I'm sure Maddie took a nice nap in the afternoon. Jon and I were talking a few weeks back about how we used to sleep in until 9am or later.... I don't think thats going to happen again for a while....