Friday, June 26, 2009

welcoming mason lynn

mason lynn joined our family at 12:27am on june 26. he was 22 inches long and weighed 8lbs. 12 oz. (one ounce less than madelyn did at birth). he has blue eyes and dark blond hair (i think - i haven't really gotten to see him in full light after his bath). i will post more pictures later today, we didn't really get many good ones of his face and he is sleeping right now.

we could not have planned his delivery better. i went in for my appointment at 3:40pm yesterday afternoon and my blood pressure was on the high side - 130/80 (not really high, but pretty high for me). my doctor couldn't even reach my cervix during the office visit, but the blood pressure was enough for her to want me to go to the hospital. there was no rush so matt and madelyn went to swimming lesson at 5:30 while i went home to clean up a little and get a few things together.

by 7:00pm madelyn was with our neighbors for the night and matt and i were in our room at the hospital. amazingly, as they got me hooked up to the monitor i started to have very regular contractions on my own (i had contractions at 7 minutes apart all day on wednesday, but not really any on thursday until getting to the hospital). then my doctor came in to check me - still 2cm - and broke my water at 8:15pm. by 10:45 the contractions were too close together for me and i started to get lightheaded and nauseous so it was time for the epidural. i got a little rest then (and so did matt). we started pushing at 11:45pm and had to stop for a little bit so that my doctor could get there from a c-section. and mason was born at 12:27am!

i guess he came out face up and eyes open (he has been amazingly alert)! i can't believe how much faster things went this time and they never even had to put me on pitosin (sp?). i also can't believe how night and day different i feel now compared to madelyn's delivery. i am barely sore at all and it looks like we might be released tomorrow.

matt is going to bring madelyn over this morning and i can't wait for her to meet her little brother! love.


Grandma Z. said...

He is absolutely beautiful! Mason looks like a boy. He has a cute little pug nose and it looks like his hair is pretty blonde. Can't wait to see more pics!!! You are truly Blessed.

Zachritz Family said...

I am so happy for you! The 2nd one seems to come faster and it looks like that happened for y'all too! He is so handsome! Can't wait to hold him! Love you!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Congratulations!!! I am uber- impressed you have already posted this miraculous event! I'm happy to hear the delivery went so much better this time for you. Yippee!
Welcome, Mason!!

Rob Zachritz said...

Lordie young niece, you had Mason 8 hours ago and I'm reading your report in the blog. That's like the old days when the women had the baby and were back in the field pulling the plow right away.

What a gorgeous baby. I'm writing from Uncle Charlie's house. We are both very excited for y'all.

Love, Uncles Rob and Charlie

jwitenko said...

Congratulations! I can't believe you already did 3 posts. De Ja Vu.