Thursday, July 9, 2009

the first day of school

yesterday was madelyn's first day of school and i am happy to report that we made it there on time. in fact, we were ready to go an hour earlier than we needed to be. everyone was just cooperating and we were able to get up, fed, pumped, showered, dressed, packed, and loaded in the car on time.

as you can see, madelyn was not interested in having her picture taken on her first day of school. i was able to sneak this shot while she was distracted by putting on her shoes all of the other pictures i took were of her screaming "no want pictures, mommy!" and showing me the back of her head. it was less about having her picture taken and more about it delaying her getting to school. you can see that she is holding her lunch box. she would not put it down - even after we got to the school - i think she was most excited about her lunchbox.

what i couldn't believe is that when we pulled up to the building (which is like an industrial type building - generic) she remembered it from when we went to visit around easter. she told me that she was going to "play with eggs" which is just what she did when we visited - she played with plastic easter eggs.

madelyn had no problem with going to school, not that i am surprised by that, but she did ask for "mommy/daddy/mason go to school too" on the way so i wondered how it would go. her teacher said that she did really great and had no problem with the schedule or playing with the other kids. there is a white board outside of her classroom that has all the things they did during the day posted and it looks like she was really busy! they were learning about circus shapes yesterday and today they are learning about circus clowns (there is a circus parade here this weekend - more on that in a future post). they cover math, reading, art, and science as well as playing outside and inside.

she was very excited to see me and immediately showed me where she had slept for her nap. i heard about her day the whole way home. apparently she met a boy named ethan and she didn't share a train with him ("didn't" was a new word she was trying out). other than that, she said that she read books, ate popcorn (their circus snack), and had fun.

we were early this morning because madelyn could not wait to go back for more fun. and she just lit up when her teacher came out into the lobby which made me feel good.

now for some non-school notes - i was singing "jesus loves me" while getting ready to change her diaper and madelyn said "maddie get book first" and quickly found her "jesus loves me" book that plays the music for the song just by looking at the spines! i would say that it has been at least a month since we have read/looked at that book (i asked matt about it last night to make sure that he hadn't read it to her more recently). i had read that a toddler's memory was much better than an adult's, but she really amazes me!

when madelyn and daddy got home from swimming last night, madelyn came in whining for me to kiss her head. after matt came in he explained what had happened. apparently she was hugging her friend dylan at swimming and they both fell down with madelyn on the bottom. she fell like a tree and landed with the back of her head on the pool's concrete! she has a little mark, but not too much of a bump so she is fine. i guess it just really scared everyone because it was on concrete and made a very loud noise before madelyn broke into a scream of pain. she was a little fussy last night, but other than that she was playing and speaking normally. this morning she told me that her head didn't hurt any more when i asked her about it. (when i would ask last night she would start crying/whining again.) that girl and hitting her head... it is a good thing that i am so relaxed about that kind of stuff or she would give me a nervous breakdown. love.


Grandma Z. said...

Maddie has always enjoyed her food so of coarse her lunchbox was a hit!! Very cute.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Maddie's school sounds awesome! I want to go! Glad to hear it went so well.