Friday, July 3, 2009

"mine fell off too"

during my pregnancy madelyn became very interested in bellybuttons so i was surprised that it took her so long to ask about mason's. two days ago i was changing mason's diaper and she asked about his bellybutton. she touched his 'stump' and then lifted her own shirt to look at her bellybutton.

i explained that mason's 'stump' would fall off soon and then he would have a bellybutton too. i also explained that she had one when she was a baby, but it fell off to make her bellybutton. she told me that "mine fell off too" and ran off to tell daddy that hers fell off too. and daddy told her that his fell off too. now she confirms that hers already fell off every time she comes to watch me change mason's diaper.

she asks to touch the 'stump' during diaper changes and tells me that it is going to fall off soon. and reminds me that "mine fell off too". she actually does a great job about being gentle when touching the 'stump' and tells me that it is scratchy.

i had meant to include this info in my last post but couldn't remember when i was posting so here it is as its own post so that i don't forget again. love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Happy 4th of July!!! Very cute story. I love these kind of things with kids. They say the cutest things.