Friday, July 24, 2009

"he touched my..."

i know that the title of this post sounds perverted, but this is one of madelyn's most common phrases these days. she loves it when mason touches her things and points it out when he does. she also asks him to touch her toys or other objects. we are very fortunate that she loves to share with her little brother. although, i am sure that the "don't touch my..." days are in our not too distant future.

here is a video of her playing doctor with mason. you can hear her say, "he touched my doctor", "he touched my shirt", etc. she is also trying to get mason to hold the stethoscope (aka "doctor") again after he lets it go. don't worry mason was not forced to wear the stethoscope at the end of the video and madelyn didn't cry about it (i think she looks like she is going to cry when i tell her "no").

here is another example of her telling me that he touched something she gave him. she was 'reading' him the book and that is what i was trying to get with the camera originally. she does a really great job of 'reading' him books. she tells him as much of the actual story as she can remember and then starts just telling him about the pictures. the cute part is that she turns the book so that he can see the page and asks him, "mason, can you see this page?" she does this most when he is laying on a blanket on the floor. madelyn lays down next to him and brings over book after book to read. she even includes a "the end" when she finishes one before going to get another. the book in this video is franklin wants a pet.

another note from this video is at the end when i ask her if she wants to go to bed. this is how i have been addressing thumb sucking only being for bed time. she usually just removes her thumb from her mouth, but if she does indeed want to suck her thumb she will tell me that she is going to bed and will do just that. i will go in and she is under the covers sucking her thumb with friend. she only sucks her thumb when holding friend, so if i can further limit it just to her bed room i will be happy. so far so good. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Great idea for handling the thumb sucking - is that more love and logic? I love that Maddie wipes up Mason's spit. That's love :)