Friday, July 17, 2009

3 week check-up

mason had his 3 week check-up today. madelyn was excited to take her brother to the doctor. she had given him a full physical herself earlier in the week (a post to come).

mason is doing great! our doctor even said that she thinks that he will smile early (he was giving her super big smiles while we were there) which validated my thought that he had given me intentional smiles three times yesterday. he was awake all three times and gave me a pretty good grin when i said, "hi, mason". it wasn't his full smile, so i thought that maybe i was reading more into it than was really there - i knew that it was pretty early for a real smile.

here are his stats from today:

height - 23-1/2 inches (97th percentile)
weight - 10 lbs. 8 oz. (73rd percentile)
head - 37.8 cm

obviously weight gain is not a problem here! i thought that his face has filled out a little, but i did not think that he had put on that much weight! even the doctor was pretty impressed and told me to keep doing what i am doing.

thankfully, there were no shots today because madelyn has her appointment (with shots) on monday. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Way to grow, Mason. Such a content little boy :)

Zachritz Family said...

I love how he is filling out! He looks so relaxed! Can't wait to hold him!

Grandma Z. said...

Mason is just a sweet handsome boy!
Another good eater!!