Sunday, July 19, 2009

batter up!

we had a pretty quiet day around here today. we went to church and then down to the "riverwalk" for a leisurely stroll with a stop at the playground for madelyn since it was once again on the cool side out.

after a long nap (without eating lunch first) madelyn went to help daddy in the yard. with their work done, and popsicles eaten, they decided to take out the bat and tee big pop and grandma gave her during their visit (we didn't have the time to use it while they were here). being as independent and stubborn as her parents, madelyn refused to let daddy show her how to properly hold a bat so here is her interpretation of playing baseball. (it might make you a little seasick because i was up on our deck with the camera and had it zoomed in to them.)

she was never as exciting when i had the camera on as when i was just watching - of course. she would say "ready, daddy, ready?" and then hit the ball while matt pretended to 'field' it for her. i guess she announced that she needed a hat (you need to wear a baseball hat to play baseball after all) and matt offered her his (you can see it in the first part of the video) and then when i came out to watch again she asked me to go and get "maddie's hat" so that it would fit better. she is the one that put it on her head backwards after first wearing it correctly. when she was telling her grandparents about playing baseball she brought up that mommy had to go and get her hat for her - it was that big of a deal.

daddy sent her in to get ready for dinner so after getting washed up she got her milk out of the refrigerator for a drink. she took a big gulp from her cup and then said, "it sure is hot today!" this made me laugh for two reasons - one - where did she come up with that, and - two - it wasn't hot today.

side note - madelyn gives mason and hug and kiss good-night without us having ever asked her. she just hugs and kisses me and then runs over to hug and kiss mason in the swing. such a loving big sister!


Witenkling Mommy said...

I love the backwards hat :) Great fielding, Matt!

Grandma Z. said...

I think Maddie is a baseball lover!! I'm sure she will develop her own style. We really enjoyed seeing her play. Lady seemed like she was eagerly awaiting Matt to hit the ball so she could fetch it.