Wednesday, July 1, 2009

first doctor office visit

yesterday we took mason for his first doctor office visit. we could only get an appointment during madelyn's nap time, so we had a babysitter come over for an hour to stay with her. that is the nice part about summer time - it is really easy to find a babysitter when you need one!

mason is doing great! he is already back up to 8lbs. 7.8oz. so we don't have to come back for a two week appointment (typical schedule) and will do a three week appointment instead because she isn't worried about him returning to birth weight. he was still measuring 22 inches long and his head came in at 35.5cm.

he is also pretty strong. the doctor was a little surprised when he showed off how he can already roll up on his side and hold his head up most of the time. madelyn had really busy legs when she was an infant, but mason has a busy body. he moves practically non-stop when he is actually awake that is...

before our trip to the doctor, we took the kids to the grocery store. once again madelyn had a fit about mason's carrier going in her seat in the cart. at target we put the carrier in the cart's basket, but that wasn't really going to work for grocery shopping. instead matt pushed a cart with madelyn and i pushed on with mason. we are pretty sure madelyn's need to ride in the cart is directly tied to her expectation of a snack while shopping. we are going to try giving her a snack to carry and see if that makes a difference in her attitude.

mason had his first bath at home on monday night. he isn't really fond of having his diaper off so he cried through a lot of it. except when we go to washing his hair. he loved having his hair washed! he got really calm and quiet while looking up at us. he really seemed to enjoy the feeling of having the water poured over his head. i am just relieved that he found some of it positive.

sleep note - i was nervous about how last night was going to go because he was sleeping really heavily for a long time before i wanted him to go down for the night instead of eating. but i am happy to report that he went down at 10:30pm and did not wake up again until 4:30am! it actually made me a little nervous when i woke up, realized what time it was and that he hadn't made a peep all night. after eating he went back down until 5:30 and then he was wide-eyed and alert for about an hour before starting to nap again. i forgot how nice that early morning eye contact can be when they are just calm, quiet, and content.

i will try to do better about adding pictures of mason. i don't like to use the flash on him when his eyes are open and the rest of the time he is sleeping. but i know that pictures are what my readers want, so i will do my best to deliver in the future. love.


Grandma Z. said...

I want to be able to make the pictures larger too. Sounds like he is going to love his baths.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Don't you just love saying things like, 'The kids...' :) Glad to hear Mason is off to a great start.