Thursday, July 9, 2009

first tub bath and rolling over?

it was nice to be able to give mason his first tub bath on tuesday night. i think that he missed being wrapped in a towel like for his sponge baths, but he didn't hate it. he was really happy once i got to his shampoo - almost like he is just relaxing in a spa. i have also noticed that he seems to fall asleep more quickly when he has a bath, so we might start to do that every day instead of the every other day that the pediatrician recommended.
sleep is still going okay. he doesn't sleep like madelyn did, but he does give me 3-5 hours at a time. the main difference is that he stays awake at night. he goes down around 10:30pm and sleeps until 2:30am before needing to be fed. its the after 2:30 part that we are working on. sometimes he doesn't really go back to sleep until 4:30am or so - instead he wakes every half hour to eat or be changed. i finally figured out last night that he needs to be rocked and burped more than madelyn - which was none. once he is down again he sleeps until 8 or 9am. this morning it was 7:30am because madelyn went in and turned on all his lights because she wanted him to wake up. at least i don't feel tired. well, not all that tired anyway...
madelyn is very interested in my pumping after the morning feed. yesterday she said that she was going to "pump too first". the funny thing was that she was trying to pump her belly button! mainly she reads books in mason's room and talks to/pets him in his crib until she can cheer that i am done pumping.
mason rolled over yesterday! from his stomach to his back (over his left side) and the picture is where he ended up. i didn't actually see him roll, but i left him on his belly so he obviously did. and it wasn't a momentum roll from when i flipped him over either. he has been able to roll up on his side since the day he was born and has an extremely strong neck (with surprising head control) so i think that he was just turning his head over to look up and must have just gone with the weight to his left side. i tried to get him to do it again, but just got some video of him getting up on his knees and moving his head around. it is not the most interesting video, but i thought that the grandparents might like it since they haven't gotten to see him in person yet. he is also sucking his hand at the end. we have seen him suck his left thumb many times now, so maybe he will be a thumb sucker like madelyn. he will take a pacifier, but not very often.
now, i know this was not a 'real' roll over, but he still rolled over so i am documenting it. love.


Grandma Z. said...

Mason is amazing! Although his mother came into the world holding her head up. We're almost there!!!Yeah!!!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Wow- all that wiggling is impressive at such a young age. I love that Maddie went in and turned on all his lights in the am.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Wow! all that wiggling at such a young age! Too funny that Maddie went in and turned all his lights on in the am :)