Monday, July 20, 2009

madelyn's 2-year plus check-up

and back to the doctor we go... madelyn was looking forward to laying down to be measured like mason had been on friday. i think that she was a little disappointed to have to stand on the scale and then be measured against the wall. she even asked to be weighed on the baby scale in the room. as was expected, her vocabulary got rave reviews and so did her coordination. i guess balancing on one leg for a second is a three-year-old skill and madelyn could do it on each leg - who knew?

here are her stats:

height - 37-1/2 inches (99th percentile)
weight - 32.2 lbs. (93rd percentile)
bmi (they start tracking body mass index at 2) - 44th percentile

basically, she is really tall and the perfect weight for her height. the whole appointment consisted of the doctor having a conversation with madelyn about her favorite things. apparently her favorite food is peanut butter and jelly - again, who knew? and when the doctor asked about her favorite vegetables she told her about the squash she and daddy were growing in their garden.

madelyn did a wonderful job with the shots too. they were never referred to as "shots" during the appointment, but on the way to the car she told me that she had gotten "pinched on the leg" and then told me that she got "two shots". after telling this to matt he mentioned that they have been reading a book about elmo going to the doctor that talks about shots so that is probably where she got the correct word from. she was not phased by the shots at all. i mean, she cried because it hurt, but she got over it as soon as the band aids were on. i was impressed.

as i was getting everyone ready to go before the appointment, mason gave me his first real smile! he looked me straight in the eye when i said, "hi, mason," and smiled his big smile. i guess the doctor was right about him smiling early.

we often call madelyn "maddie-mad" so tonight she was calling daddy "daddy-dad". i thought that it was funny enough to share with you all. love.


Grandma Z. said...

I wish I could have seen Mason's first real smile but at least you got to. Looks like Maddie is taking after her Mommy at age 2. Most of all I'm thankful that they are both so healthy and strong.

Our family said...

Man that is one tall kid! Michelle -- Jill said you have a neat baby carrier -- do you mind sharing with me what it is?

Witenkling Mommy said...

no surprise her skills impressed the dr. After reading about the foot thing- I asked Lorelai to do it- guess she's 'gifted' too :) O can't believe (well, yes I can) how tall Maddie is... shes got Lorelai by like 3 inches.