Tuesday, July 7, 2009


so we were talking with big pop and grandma on sunday with skype (video conferencing) and talking about how they were coming to visit this week. grandma asked, "madelyn, can we come to your house?"

madelyn's response? "yes. i get presents!"

while this is funny (and a little sad - its not just big pop and grandma that are equated with presents either), madelyn has definitely been in a period of increased presents. every package delivered is identified as "presents for maddie" or as "toys!" between her birthday, mason's arrival, and madelyn becoming a big sister, we have had a lot of gifts coming to the house and madelyn loves it.

i have actually had to start going through her toys and sorting them for a goodwill donation because we are running out of room! she just has so much that she (and i) can't remember what all she has. and she definitely does not play with most of it. i have handed some things down to mason so that he can have a chance with them before they go to goodwill. we are going to be moving to the one in, one out philosophy soon.

speaking of gifts... at my baby shower for mason my friends made bibs and onesies for him. he wore his first of many today so i will document them - much like i did for madelyn when she wore the onesies made at my shower for her. they are in no particular order. this one says, "i get my...from my daddy."

mason lost his 'stump' today so we can move to real baths. yea! it is so much easier than sponge baths. he was kind enough to pee and poop on me during his last sponge bath, so i am really happy to see that the stump is gone and we can move up to his tub now.

my mission for tomorrow is to get madelyn, mason, and me all dressed, feed, and out the door by 9am. considering that i had to wake mason up at 9:30am this morning (he was up from 1:30 - 4:30 eating and being awake this morning, but then slept from 4:30 - 9:30) and didn't have time to shower before madelyn's music class at 11:00am, this is going to be difficult. she is really excited about starting school tomorrow. i think that it helps that we know they are going to be painting clay tiles tomorrow. madelyn loves to paint! while she is at school, mason and i are going to run several errands near her school. i am looking forward to having a day away from the house. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Good luck getting out tomorrow! A day without the older sibling will be very helpful. Love the onesie :)

Grandma Z. said...

Wow! In this picture, Mason looks just like Matt. Hope you have a good day today and we'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all got out of the house on time. I can't wait to hear about Maddie's first day of school. I hope everything went well for everyone today. Mason sure looks all boy to me -- can't figure out whose nose he has, must be Brad's b/c I can't remember our boys looking like that. I can't wait to hold him. It's too bad that Maddie's b'day and Mason's arrival all came so close b/c that makes for a lot of presents at one time. I understand what you mean. Most people who give the new baby a gift like to give the young sibling one too. You know grandparents and gifts are something you can't avoid -- although I TRY (unsuccessfully sometimes) to hold back. Such cute things out there!
Love, Nana G.

Our family said...

Don't you love the 1:30 - 4:30 wake up time? I have started passing Elaina off to Victor after 1 1/2 hours because I can't stay awake any longer. Thankfully she doesn't do that every night.