Tuesday, November 13, 2007

got to be quick

my boss is coming tomorrow to stay with us until thursday, so i have to be quick tonight so that i can get back to cleaning... now that maddie is drinking from a cup, she keeps trying to drink from the cup i use at bath time to rinse her hair! i guess that i need to change the rinsing vessel so that she doesn't start drinking the bath water.

it has occurred to me that i haven't been taking any pictures of her once she is in her jammies (unless it is one of my stalking pictures from when she is sleeping) so here is one of her in her owl pjs - note the owls on the bottoms of her feet...

we went to the dentist today and since matt and i coincidentally had back-to-back appointments (he rescheduled his a few times) so matt stayed for my appointment to watch maddie and then we all went out to grab a quick lunch together which was really nice! (the dentist said that he would see her when she is two.) since daddy wanted to play, maddie didn't get her normal morning nap and passed out as soon as she and i headed for home. she even transferred to her crib without waking up and slept for another hour and a half.

here are two pictures of her dressed for her outing today. doesn't she look like such a "big girl"? i had to change her into short sleeves because this shirt was just too stretchy and kept getting caught when she rolled over. she doesn't get mad though, she just pulls her arm out of the sleeve! ohmygoodness - i just realized that in the one on the left she is giving a "thumbs-up"!

she has also discovered reaching. she has realized that she can reach for something that she can't really reach - including us when she wants to be lifted up. in combination with this she has begun to grunt for help when she knocks something too far away - like a toy on her high chair tray. it is so exciting to watch her discover her abilities and limitations each day as they constantly change.

time to run. love.

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