Thursday, November 15, 2007

sitting pretty

my boss, michelle, stayed with us last night - why i wasn't blogging - and it was a great visit. she and i don't get to chat as much as we would like when we are in the office so this was a really nice treat! michelle has triplet boys that are about to turn 5 - can you imagine?! the picture is of her and maddie. matt worked from home on wednesday too and took maddie during her nap times and while michelle and i went to a bma (business marketing association) meeting last night.

i took some video of maddie sitting up this afternoon to show you all how good she is getting. she still topples over (as you can see in the second video) when she gets too excited, but over all she is starting to be pretty stable.

her new trick of the day is trying to escape from her bouncy seat to get to the floor or get the toy that she dropped. basically she turns upside-down and spreads her arms out reaching. she was reaching for the toy on the floor, but then she started reaching for the ceiling. she did it more than once today and seemed to enjoy the change of perspective.

but this new skill means that there are only two places that she is safe left unattended (or where i can turn my back) and those are her crib and the play-yard. straps will no longer contain her...

this last picture is of her enjoying one of her books. i am hoping that she picks up this passion of mine and not just her dad's passion for golf. love.


Becky said...

What a cute little Weeble-Wooble :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

Lorelai was on my lap while I watched your videos today. She was bouncing, smiling, and waving her arms while she watched Maddie sitting. It was so cute. I think she may have thought she was watching herself :) She did the same thing in the bouncey. Scared the heck out of me the first time. :)