Saturday, November 24, 2007

speaking or shrieking?

we just hung around the house today and played with madelyn. matt worked on his reviews (he is almost halfway done with writing around 40 reviews) and i cleaned up and did laundry. i had planned to start christmas cards, but they may have to wait to be done during the weeknights - the clock is ticking though and i am starting to get nervous if i will get everything done before christmas!

today i was reading about the "sixth month" in the what to expect book and it was explaining that babies should have "a-goo" type vowel/consonant combinations for their babbling. maddie was doing that at 3 months but has now moved on to a shrieking and grunting type of expression. she does make other consonant type noises, but being the perfectionistic, over-achiever that i am i of course wondered if she was still on track. (before everyone tries to reassure me that all babies develop at their own pace, i am not really worried. i just question everything.) here are some videos of her "talking" to dad today. they were at it for about 20 minutes before maddie rolled over in favor of a toy. since it was after 3 the sun was already starting to go down here and i didn't realize how dark it was (the final video always looks darker than it does in the preview screen while recording it) so this is more for listening than the viewing (which is too bad because she gets really excited and animated when she 'talks').

here is one more video of her 'dancing' with daddy for your viewing pleasure. standing is quickly becoming her favorite thing to do...

the only other excitement of the day was the introduction of pears into her food options this morning. they were a huge hit! she couldn't get enough of them! and she also drank the most water from her cup yet - maybe it was all the sweet flavor or the grainy consistency. the pears were so grainy that i had to run her hands under the kitchen sink instead of just wiping them off. she really thought that was great because she likes the running water. that's all the excitement for today. love.

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