Saturday, November 10, 2007

six year anniversary

today was matt and i's sixth wedding anniversary! (he is putting maddie to sleep and that is why i have the time to blog.) we had nothing to do all day and just hung around and played with maddie. all three of us even took a nap this afternoon (maddie napped in her crib). and tonight we went out to dinner, but matt didn't feel comfortable leaving maddie with one of the neighborhood girls just yet, so she came along for the ride. given that we had to wait an hour for a table, she did really great. we got too close to bedtime at the end of the meal so matt took her out to the car while i waited for boxes and the check.

her top teeth must be just days from coming in (or at least some teeth somewhere in her mouth). her spit up has increased again, she is sucking her thumb more, chewing on our fingers more, eating less at each sitting (or at least more agitated and squirmy) and her drooling is getting out of control. these were all things that she went through two days before her first tooth broke through. and i noticed this morning that the poor girl has a rash on the underside of her chin! i think that it is just drool irritation so i have gotten her bibs back out as a part of everyday wear.

we tried bananas this morning, but she wasn't too in to them. oatmeal cereal is still her favorite! i told matt that she must have inherited my love of carbs... oh and did i rant on how DISGUSTING rice cereal is! i tasted it after she had been eating it for about a week and told matt that i wouldn't feed it to her for another day! that is when we switched to the oatmeal cereal and the difference is amazing. she can't get enough of the stuff!

she is continuing to improve at sitting on her own. she basically gets too excited after a few seconds and reaches for something or throws herself backwards. that's why i am holding her hand in the picture - its more for me than for her.

i'll close tonight with some footage of her playing in the exersaucer. (i am trying to appease my mother's demands for more and longer videos.) you might notice that she is in short sleeves - we have been keeping the house warmer than we normally would because the winter wear is limiting to her movement. the long sleeves get caught when she rolls over and she can't get her arm free. you can hear the dryer and the dogs in the background and matt is sitting on the couch watching muted football. maddie is just trying to get the toys into her mouth. sometimes she gets a little too energetic about getting them in her mouth and she ends up crying because some part of her face took the impact of her mouth's target. enjoy! love.


Becky said...

So cute --- isn't she only like 4 months old, yet she already sounds like she has so much to say! I love her little babbling and 'fake laugh' type noises in the videos. And Happy Anniversary!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Happy Anniversary! Great picture of the proud parents - your hair looks darker- I like it :) Ok, now on to the important matters... Maddie- Love the babbling! I wonder if she and Lorelai had a "conversation" if they would understand each other's babbles? I can't believe how tall she is- does the exersaucer adjust to grow taller with her?