Wednesday, November 28, 2007

growing up so fast

as maddie is growing up there are so many little nuances to her personality that i don't want to forget - that's where i am hoping this blog will supplement her baby book.

she really likes being read to. it is amazing to me that she already has favorite books! she is really in to the rhyming ones. we have a veggietales book - i think its called "god loves you very much" - and a baby einstein book called "what's bigger than me?" (i think) that are her favorites. in a close third is a small first words book from bright baby; she likes to help turn the pages in that book more than in others. our new bedtime and nap time routine includes two books and a little snuggling while she sucks her thumb. she goes into her crib awake, but the reading calms her down to where she doesn't even make a peep. she just goes to sleep.

another thing that she does right now that i really like is when we stand her up she looks down at her toys and laughs at them in a "i am a giant" sort of way. it makes me laugh to think about what is going through her head when she looks down laughing. like she is thinking "i could crush you silly little toys".

she is also very anxious to get moving on her own. she is known around the neighborhood for her busy, kicking legs, but she is starting to move her legs under her and push her butt up (in a downward facing dog sort of way for you yogi) constantly while she is playing. see the video below for a sampling.

she is such a wiggle worm! the only time she really holds still is when she is sleeping.

here are some pictures of maddie and lady telling each other "hello" (or is lady trying to fix her hair?).

and here are some pictures of her helping matt with his birthday cards and present on monday.

i need to go now and feed my sweet little baby her afternoon oatmeal. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

She certainly is growing quickly. Before you know it, she'll have her arms pushing her up to sitting on her own. :)