Thursday, November 1, 2007

chatty maddie

madelyn has definitely found enjoyment in her own voice. today's new noise is a little hard to describe. at first i thought that she was choking while i was getting her dressed, but then when her head popped through the top of her shirt she was smiling while making the noise. it is sort of sounds like the noise you would make if you were trying to get some popcorn out of the back of your throat or starting to choke. once she got a hang of this new noise she put some of her song voice to it and it sounded like she was an old lady!

she was talking/singing so much today that my boss even commented on it while i was reviewing some budget items with her. i took some videos of her carrying on a little later - using her voice and grabbing her feet. i was listening to a webinar, so that is the male voice you hear in the background talking about web sites. the first one is shorter, but the second one has a greater variety of sounds. i posted both for the grandparents who miss her so and want to see/hear more everyday activities.

while we were working on eating some cereal today maddie kept getting distracted by our dogs playing on the deck so while i cleaned everything up, i turned her highchair to face them more. she was entranced with them! (which resulted in a large pool of drool on her high chair tray.) i thought that it was pretty funny, so i took a picture. she was like that for almost 20 minutes! only moving her head to track them back and forth as they wrestled each other on the back deck.

now for more comments on dressing a baby for winter... what is worse, putting mittens on a baby who sucks her thumb for comfort or letting her suck her thumb happily while her hands get cold under a coat of drool? we are having the same issue with her toes - do i keep her in socks all day or let her see her feet that she seems to enjoy? so far we have been going with exposure (at least in the house with the heat on) because she doesn't seem to care about being cold, but then again it hasn't really gotten cold yet... until tomorrow! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

You have dogs? Love the singing! While I wish it were a wee bit colder, I'm glad we don't have your dressing dilemmas.